About Nukleus

Monday 25 February 2013

What's In a Name: The Fruit Series

Note to the reader: This post is part of “What’s in a Name,” a set of posts where we write about the stories behind the names of our collections/series. Such posts will appear from time to time and not every week. The first post can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/a8eqvzg

Today is February 25, 2013, a Monday. For some of our friends, it’s meatless Monday. Which is why we’re publishing this post today. 

You may ask, “What’s meatless Monday and what’s its connection with the Fruit series?” These are valid questions and we will answer them one at a time. But first, a snapshot of the situation we are in.

The world is eating more and more meat. The thing is, some people may be eating too much of it and this could be a problem, heath-wise. What’s more, the consumption of meat can be environmentally damaging, as a recent UN study suggests.

Meatless Monday is a response to the current set of circumstances. In a nutshell, it’s an “international movement to help people reduce their meat consumption.” Its supporters are growing in number, and they include celebrities and business tycoons.

The Fruit series, on the other hand, is about fruits, which are healthy meatless alternatives. That’s the connection between the two.

Equally important, the Series promotes the consumption of local fruits. This is because they’re fresher, tastier and hence better. In addition, eating local reduces food miles and transport-linked emissions, which is good for our planet.

The Fruit Series: He's wearing a white Blueberry Elan (top) and
an orange Honeydew Delight (bottom)

Please don’t get the Series wrong—it isn’t promoting vegetarianism. After all, we aren’t vegetarians ourselves—but we do go veg on certain days every month. Nevertheless, in the light of our current situation (as described above), we think a “demitarian” diet—that is, the halving of our meat consumption—makes plenty of sense. And if you think that’s going to adversely impact your energy level, think again—even legendary athletes are reducing or shunning meat. You should, of course, always consult your doctor first before you change your diet.

Ultimately, the Series’ main story is about personal and environmental health, and all the products in it are about that, too.

The Fruit Series: He's wearing a Blueberry Zing (top) and
a Blueberry Panache (bottom), both light blue

About the Nukleus Fruit Series

Blueberry, Honeydew, Mangosteen, Watermelon—Nukleus celebrates these super fruits in the Fruit Series for men. They're super because they taste great and are good for you.

The Fruit Series protects your health, too. Its products are made from the finest eco-materials such as organic cotton, Lenzing Tencel and Lenzing Modal. And they’re certified Oeko-Tex Standard 100—the world's highest standard for human ecological safety. Which means they’re great for all skin types, perfect for all-day wear.


  1. Demitarian ~ I never knew. Thank you for this enlightening piece.

  2. Thanks for reading and commenting, Sharon. We learned this word just last week :)
